I watch the Amazing Race religiously, I'm serious. It's on Tuesday nights the same time as the Bookstubby. I stay home and never miss the show.
well, fall is here and it's that time for new shows to come on tv.
what shows are you looking forward to watching?
i marked the ones i want to see in red.
I watch the Amazing Race religiously, I'm serious. It's on Tuesday nights the same time as the Bookstubby. I stay home and never miss the show.
i am interested to know how many of you during co visit gave him the money hand shake.
i for one gave money through a hand shake to the co on his last day of his visit.
i remember my parents and other family members although being poor, giving the co a nice amount of money with the golden hand shake or the sneeky sports coat pocket drop.
I'm sure when they take off thier jacket they pull out the cash and say, "Well, I DECLARE" and that's as far as it goes. Remember, that cash is Caeser's but God gave it to him. Silly people. I was such a poor pioneer that the CO once gave me $20.00 how about that!
revised statementhere's the sound byte.
(i hope it works!
I would imagine that the congregation must think that the elders have thier fingers up thier butts on that one! I love it. The words spoken by the elders on earth that are already sealed in heaven were unlocked and you were free at last. What a load of manure.
Give 'em hell Kwin.
ok, since i missed out on developing when i was 14-18, i'm gonna need help with girls, friends, keeping them, and just having fun.
recap for the past week:
one day i hung out a with this dude from fish camp.
As much posting as you do its a wonder you have time for everything else! I think all the repression you've experienced in the borg has caused you to want everything you CAN have NOW. Its not a good idea for anyone to spread themselves too thin. There will be a crash. Slow down or at least accept that you will eventually crash. The idea is to avoid CRASHING and BURNING.
Ok, I"m older and my perspective is one of watching and waiting, but that doesn't mean you can't use your head too. You are chasing. Why not do what you have to and let things come to you?
Keep the books in front of you and get your neccessary business done first if you can.
Glad you're in school. My semester at the Uni started too. Lots of homework.
You seem like a nice looking young man, (according to your picture) let your personality attract people. Be yourself and enjoy it.
so, how would you react if you saw a witness smoking a cigarette?
a) mind your own business.
b) go squeal to the elders.
They are all cowards and offended if you go talk to them in accordance with Mt 18. BS
i wanted to share this recent incident and it really pi$$es me off.
i called my grandfather yesterday who is a believing but inactive jw due to health reasons.
he is 83 and in very poor health and is alone since his wife died 3 years ago.
Haven't been back to this thread for awhile. There was an elderly brother in our congregation, many in fact, their average age would have been around 80. THis is an old congregation. I have always had an affinity with older persons and did all I could for them. I mowed one widow's lawn regularly, without any payment except the smile on her face. There was an older brother who was 85 or so who had a stroke. He had trouble speaking and was incontinent. I would go and read with he and his wife every week from the B.Story book up until he died a year later. I will never forget Albert's look of frustration with the stroke and appreciation for the company.
My point is this,
Now you know why I am leaving the Borg. No one else does that. I was a freak for doing it. Why didn't I make my Pioneer hours one month? I was at Albert's house reading with and to him. That's why. Screw you "Brothers".
Free at last!
i was very close friends with brother "kind" who was a jw for over 30 years.
kind did not know this file existed.. one evening, bro.
the po was on the committee, and bro.
(Wags his head) How typical.
lol... now why didn't i think of this!
hamster-powered phone charger.
It could be that his hamster project wasn't as cool as some other kids erupting volcano demonstration or how to make mold. Science marches on.
Elvis lives?
reading a thread about smoking the other day made me think....... previously on this site (which i have spent much of today unsuccessfully trying to find) i recall reading that as numbers of publishers declined at the end of wwii, the 'no blood' doctrine was introduced in 1945 as a direct result in order to boost numbers again.. after the 1975 fiasco, i believe the society lost a lot of followers - and it was very shortly after this (during the same or following year), that the wtbts introduced the smoking ban.
again to boost flagging numbers?
when the wtbts experience a 'failure', do they resort to introducing another doctrine, or is this just a coincidence?
It was in 72 that the axe fell on tobacco. I never smoked but my folks did. It made sense to me to drop the filthy, deadly habit so I had no problem with it. I can't find the WT article but I did find the KM reference to the WT article. Enjoy.
Someone else will have to find it for you, I'm too sleepy, sorry.
In case it makes you feel better, the CO is here this week and I couldn't give a flying fig about going to any of his guilt inducing rants.
km 11/73 p. 7 Tobacco Users
It will soon be about six months since The Watchtower in English pointed out the need for decisive action in stopping use of tobacco by dedicated persons. If there are still any who use tobacco, it would be good for them to make stronger efforts to stop now. Speak to the elders for assistance. The elders, applying the counsel of the Scriptures, must determine who may remain in the congregation.i think the hardest thing i ever went through was my divorce.
it was something i knew i needed to go through, and get over, but it was the hardest thing of my life.
i wanted the divorce, but it was so very painful.... what's the hardest thing you've ever gone through?
Did you report that "Return Visit" to the Society?
They love stories about other assholes.